Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where Has This Week Gone?!?!

Oh my goodness, this week has flown by SO FAST. Just the other day I mentioned on Facebook that the first week of Winter Break had gone by so slow, I couldn't believe it. I should have just kept my mouth shut because the second week is almost over!!!

My some miracle I've been bitten by the productive bug because I am getting stuff done for school! I am so happy to have gotten this burst of energy. So far I've gotten one week’s worth of emergency sub plans done for when I first go on leave (I'm planning on working until the day I go into labor as long as everything is okay with my doctor) and have made an outline of everything else I have to do for my time off. It looks like I'll have to stay later after school than I usually do, but that's ok! I want to get everything done and not worry about anything while I'm on leave but grading papers. 

Ugh, I had to go to the hospital TWICE in the last week! Last Thursday I had a doctor’s appointment and I had really high blood pressure and high levels of protein in my urnine. So my OB sent me to L&D where Baby and I were monitored for a couple of hours. I also had to go on bed rest until yesterday and do a 24 hour urine collection (gross!).

I also got a little freaked out because my doctor mistakenly ordered a steroid shot for the baby’s lung development and the nurse in triage asked what day that week I was supposed to deliver. Since my doctor never mentioned delivering early, I understandably became upset. The nurse called the doctor who realized her mistake and everything was okay after that. I’m sure that caused my bp to spike though, haha. As much as I want to have this baby soon, I was NOT prepared for that!

At my appointment yesterday everything went well. All the tests came back negative for preeclampsia, which is what the doctor worried was wrong with me. Thank goodeness!!!! When she mentioned going on bed rest until the baby came I thought I was going to FREAK OUT.

On Sunday I had to go to L&D again because I was in a minor car accident. I was in my parents Suburban and we were rear ended! I called the nurse on-call and she said I needed to come in and get checked because I’m past 30 weeks. I did have a couple of really strong,  painful contractions that made me a little nervous. After being monitored for a few hours we were sent home because everything was a-ok.

I’m so sick of going to the hospital. The next time I go better be because I’m about to deliver my little boy, I’m not kidding. But on the plus side, I’ve met a lot of nurses in L&D and they’re all super nice =]

How far along?: 34 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain: 16 lbs according to the doctor’s scale yesterday. I’m kinda confused about exactly how much weight I’ve exactly gained because I got my numbers confused one week, haha! Whatever =]
How big is baby?: according to my app, 19 - 22 in. and 5.5 lbs. The size of a large cantaloupe.
Stretch marks?: Yes. No new ones, they’re just REALLY red and REALLY itchy.
Sleep?: Ugh, I jinxed myself last week. It’s so uncomfortable now. I keep waking up and moving around. I feel bad for Vince.
Best moment this week?: Finding out that I didn’t have preeclampsia and that the baby won’t be delivered early.
Movement?: All the time. I love it though.
Food cravings?: Chick-fil-a fries. And McDonalds chicken nuggets. Which of course I can’t have because they’re too fatty!!!!
Labor signs?: I’ve had some Braxton-Hicks contractions, but nothing to be excited about.
Belly button in or out?: In, barely!
What I miss: My students =]
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower next weekend!
Milestone: Being so close to 35 weeks! That number seems big for some reason.

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