Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Shower and 36 Weeks

Whoo-hoo! I've made it to 36 weeks! One more week until this baby is full-term! Can you tell I'm excited?

We had our baby shower yesterday, it was so much fun! My mom, sister, and aunts did so much to make the day perfect. The decorations were cute, the food was delicious, and everyone had a great time. We got so much stuff, I couldn't believe it! Especially clothes! I don't know why I thought people didn't buy a lot of clothes for baby boys, but I was totally wrong! He got so much clothes!!! It's all super cute, I can't wait to put it on him. I'm not looking forward to doing all the laundry, haha!

Vince and I made a list of items that we still need to buy for the baby and it's not super long, which is awesome. Thankfully our parents bought us a lot of big stuff as a gift, so we just have to get little things.

I went to the doctor on Friday, which quickly turned into the WORST DAY EVER. Ok, I'm being a little dramatic, but it sucked. To make a long story short, my BP was high, my protein levels were a teeny bit higher than she would have liked, and when I told her I was having constant headaches, she got really concerned that it was preeclampsia (again). So I had to do a 24 hour urine collection, get blood work done, and go on bed rest, AGAIN.

So now I'm furiously working on finishing up my lesson plans for my leave because the doctor said that if at my next appointment (on Friday) my levels are still elevated, she is going to seriously consider inducing me =[.

I was talking to Vince yesterday and I was crying because the last thing I want to do is be induced because it can lead to long, painful labors, which can lead to an epidural or a c-section. Basically, it can lead to everything I've wanted to avoid during labor and delivery.

He asked me very calmly, "Daniella, what did we learn in class about birth? What is our ultimate goal?"

I responded, "To do it naturally!!!" (Wrong answer by the way)

"No", he said. "Healthy mom, healthy baby. No matter how you get there, our ultimate goal is to have YOU be healthy and the BABY be healthy when everything is over. It doesn't matter how it happens."

He is so right. I love him so much. He has kept me focused this entire pregnancy, I don't know what I would do without him. Now I'm just praying that the baby and I are healthy and we get good news next Friday!

How far along?: 36 weeks, I day
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 16 pounds. Doctor isn’t concerned though, the baby is growing just fine =]
How big is baby?: according to my app, 19 - 22 in. and 6.5 lbs. The size of a watermelon (!)
Stretch marks?: Yes, same ones as last week.
Sleep?: I’m waking up every three hours to pee and it’s still really uncomfortable.
Best moment this week?: Our baby shower!
Movement?: All the time, it’s uncomfortable though!
Food cravings?: A steak. A juicy, medium-rare steak with a loaded baked potato and a wedge salad with bleu cheese dressing. Can you tell I’ve thought about what I want to eat after having the baby?
Labor signs?: Still having Braxton-Hicks. I’ve had a couple of “real” contractions, but nothing that made me stop or take my breath away. Although yesterday I had two really strong contractions about ten minutes apart, but nothing after the second one. Wouldn’t it be my luck to have the baby RIGHT after the baby shower?
Belly button in or out?: still hanging in there, barely!
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach. I cannot stand sleeping on my side. I’m honestly surprised that I am able to even sleep while I’m on my side.
What I'm looking forward to: Having a doctors’ appointment where I don’t have to go to L&D right after and get a bunch of tests done.
Milestone: I’m not sure… Getting so much closer to D-Day!!!

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