Sunday, January 8, 2012


I cannot believe I have made it to this point! Today I am 35 weeks along and we only have 35 DAYS until our baby is due!

The reality that he is coming has totally hit me today. BUT, instead of being scared like I usually am, I am really, really excited! I feel like we've wanted this for so long, and it is so close to becoming real. Now if only we could find a house and move out of my parents (who I am so thankful for, we've been here since June and it's been tight at times and they have never made us feel bad about moving back) this would be the perfect year!!!

How far along?: 35 weeks
Total weight gain: I’m going to go with the total from last week, 16 lbs. I have another doctor’s appointment on Friday, so I’ll have a more accurate total =]
How big is baby?: according to my app, 19 - 22 in. and 5.5 lbs. The size of a large cantaloupe.
Stretch marks?: Yes. No new ones, they’re just REALLY red and REALLY itchy. My whole belly is itchy now that I think about it.
Sleep?: I’m waking up every three hours to pee and it’s getting really uncomfortable. I guess I’m just preparing myself for when the baby comes!
Best moment this week?: Going to my cousin’s baby shower. She’s due a couple weeks after I am, which makes it all seem much more real!!! Plus, I was the flower girl in her wedding when I was five, so it’s super cool we’re going through this together. Also, my husband made his “play book” out of all the materials we received through our Bradley Classes. It is so cute to see him get into this.
Movement?: All the time. I love it though.
Food cravings?: My grandma’s fried chicken. It’s so yummy! Oh, kale salad from Whole Foods.
Labor signs?: Still having Braxton-Hicks. I’ve had a couple of “real” contractions, but nothing that made me stop or take my breath away.
Belly button in or out?: still hanging in there.
What I miss: Having “real” food. I’ve gotten used to the diet for my gall stones and have cut down on having bites of “bad” food which was super hard during the holidays! I’m totally convinced that’s why I had another episode last week :/
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing my team from school (I miss them so much!) tomorrow and my baby shower still, haha!
Milestone: Being TWO weeks away from making it to full term.

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