Sunday, January 22, 2012

Full Term!

I've made it to 37 weeks, yay! I know the baby will come when he's ready, but I really want him to come now! It doesn't help that at my last appointment my doctor told me I was 3cm dilated and at -1 station. I know that doesn't mean anything, and I could be 3cm dilated for three weeks, but it did get my hopes up a little =].

I've also been having contractions since Thursday night, a few intense, uncomfortable ones. That makes me scared AND nervous, haha! Also, at my doctor's appointment, I had +2 protein levels in my urine. So I had to go to the Hospital and get an NST test. Baby and I passed with flying colors, but I did have to get lab work done. I'm assuming since my doctor hasn't called, everything is ok? She did say if my levels were high I would be induced soon! So I had to get my butt in gear and wash baby clothes and get last minute things ready =]

How far along?: 37 weeks
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 16 pounds. Doctor isn’t concerned though, the baby is growing just fine =]
How big is baby?: according to my app, 19 - 22 in. and 6.5 lbs. The size of a watermelon (!)
Stretch marks?: Yes, same ones as last week.
Sleep?: I’m still sleeping really well, but waking up a lot to go pee!
Best moment this week?: Honestly? Having “real” contractions made everything seem so real and made me realize my son is coming soon.
Movement?: Yep.
Food cravings?: McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets, a Whopper, and a margarita.
Labor signs?: Yes! I *think* I’m starting to lose my mucus plug, but I’m a first time mom, what do I know? We also learned in Bradley classes that a few days before birth you might have loose bowels because your body is starting to cleanse itself out… yeah, that’s totally been going on for a couple of days.
Belly button in or out?: It’s starting to get flat! I hope it doesn’t pop, I think that’s so gross!
What I miss: Not feeling so tired and icky. I know I’ll be tired when the baby is here, but that’s different. He’ll be here!
What I'm looking forward to: Hearing about my test results and next weekend already, haha!
Milestone: Making it to 37 weeks =]

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