Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! Mine was awesome, we spent time with all of our family and got everything we wanted. I got some cash (yay!), make-up, and a new ornament. My parents have bought my siblings and I a new ornament every year for Christmas since we've been born and I'm so happy they have continued the tradition. Even Vince gets a new ornament every year too!

We had to take a picture in front of the tree with my belly! Especially since next year we'll have baby!!!

How far along?: 33 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain: I think 19 lbs? I’m going to the doctor on Thursday so I’ll get a more accurate total :)
How big is baby?: according to my app, 19 - 22 in. and 5 lbs. The size of a pineapple.
Stretch marks?: Yes. I’m over worrying about them now. They’re here, they’re not going anywhere. I just keep my belly moisturized so they don’t itch so much!
Sleep?: I’m actually sleeping really well! I do have to get up often to pee. I’ve also noticed that if I don’t have my body pillow directly supporting my belly, I’ll wake up with a sharp pain on whatever side I was sleeping on.
Best moment this week?: Talking about next Christmas with the baby. He’ll be ten months old next Christmas, it’s crazy!!
Movement?: Oh yeah, he’s a little mover and shaker.
Food cravings?: Everything I can’t have because of my stupid low-fat/non-fat diet. Thanks gallstones.
Labor signs?: I’ve had some Braxton-Hicks contractions, but nothing to be excited about.
Belly button in or out?: In, barely!
What I miss: Eating as many tamales as I want during Christmas :(
What I'm looking forward to: Surprisingly, going back to school. After that, I’ll only have five more weeks until the baby’s EDD.
Milestone: Making it to the single digits week wise; only 6 weeks and 5 days to go!

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