Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Where Have I Been?

Oh my goodness.

So much has happened since the last time I was on here. I don’t even know where to begin… I'm going to break this post up because if I don't, it'll be pages long!

On January 26th, I had my 37 week appointment in the morning. I was feeling great because I had just finished my long-term substitute plans for my maternity leave and had my classroom ready to go just in case I went into labor during the school week. I had even prepped my students on what to do just in case my water broke during class or if I needed to leave because of contractions.

I got my kids ready, dropped them off with the other third grade teachers and headed out to my appointment. Of course my blood pressure was high (again.) and the protein levels in my urine were slightly elevated (again.). So my doctor sent me across the street to the hospital for an NST test to check on Baby and I (again!).

Long story short, everything was okay with the both of us, but since my BP and protein levels were high and had been for the last four visits, my doctor decided to put be on bed rest until the baby came. She told me that if my levels were elevated at my next appointment on Feb. 02nd, she would induce me, but she was positive Baby would come on his own before then.

I drove back to school to let my leadership team know that I would be starting my Maternity Leave immediately and went to my classroom to get my stuff and make sure everything was in order. I was planning on bringing my kids back to the room to tell them that I was going to be leaving and that they would have a substitute for the next couple of months and that I would miss them, how to act when the sub was in the room, etc. As I was walking to my room, I ran into one of my teammates and when I went to tell her I was being placed on bed rest, I totally lost it. I was so upset that I was going to be leaving my students earlier than I had expected. I knew at that point there was no way I could see my kids and be a calm adult and not scare them. So I left without saying good-bye :(.

I started my bed rest that day thinking that it would be a long two weeks to wait until my due date. Little did I know that the next week would change my life forever…

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