Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pink Eye.

After being on bed rest for four days already, preparing for babies arrival, and being bored out of my mind, I woke up on Jan. 31st with pink eye. Gross, right? Now, as an elementary school teacher, it is totally possible that you will get pink eye at least once a year. But man, was I pissed! I hadn’t seen my students in four days!! Why was I getting it now?!

I went to urgent care to get looked at because my next appointment was in two days and I had to get rid of the damn infection before then, especially if Dr. Tom said she was likely going to induce me.

The nurse took my vitals and of course, my blood pressure was high. I think it was like 149/101? I mentioned that my doctor had been concerned with my BP levels and the protein levels in my urine so she let the PA who was helping me know. The PA ordered a urine sample for me and the protein level was +3, which apparently is really high. They took my vitals again and my BP was still high. So she gave me my prescription for my eye drops (I DID have pink eye) and told me to immediately call my OB and let her know about the BP and urine.

I called and they got me in for an appointment as soon as they could. I went to the store and did some last minute shopping, some laundry, took a shower,did my hair, and made sure we had everything in the hospital bag. I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be coming home from the OB’s office for awhile…

Sure enough, my BP was still really high in the office and so were my protein levels. Dr. Tom told me she was going to induce that day! She was bummed that she wasn’t on call that day (I missed her by one day!), but she assured me that Dr. Indovina was an awesome doctor who was very calm and mellow and would take good care of Baby and I.

So I called my husband and my mom and let them know what was happening. I went home and changed into comfy clothes and waited for my mom to pick me up and take me to the hospital where we would meet Vince who had to meet us there from work.

My mom and I were waiting to get admitted for about 30 minutes when they finally called me back. Luckily Vince got there soon after. We got the ok to go up to Labor and Delivery and it was time to say good-bye to my Mom who assured us that everything would be ok and that my family would check up on us later that evening.

Birth Story coming soon, my little man is waking up and wants to be fed!!!

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