Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 17

This week was really hard. Wednesday I had been experiencing some bleeding all day. Nothing serious, just pinkish stuff that wasn't heavy at all. But it kept getting worse. So I had my husband call the on-call doctor and she told us if it got any worse or didn't stop by the next day, to go into the ER.

So on Thursday morning I woke up to get ready for school and of course I had to pee. So I went, and there was blood. Not a ton, but it was definitely red, not pink. This is my first pregnancy, but I know that red blood is NOT good. So off to the ER we went.

Once we got there, everything went really quick (I'm sure it helped that we got there at 5 am). I had a cervical exam, blood drawn, and an ultra sound. Long story short, everything is okay. The baby is totally fine and healthy. During the ultra sound they wouldn't stop moving! The baby's heart rate was fine, 144 beats per minute :). The doctor wasn't sure what caused the bleeding, but he told me I needed to take it easy. So that's what I've been doing for the last five days, I've been "couch-potatoing" it (official prescription).

It was so scary, I hope we don't have to do that EVER again. We see my OB on Wednesday, so I'll have more news then :)

How far along?: 17 weeks
Total weight gain: Same as last week, 4 lbs.
How big is baby?: according to my app, 5.5 in, 5 oz. About the size of a sweet potato
Stretch marks?: nope.
Sleep?: It's gotten a little better. Now I'm sleeping on my stomach at an angle, it is so much more comfortable than my side!!
Best moment this week?: Seeing our baby move during the ultra sound (the silver lining to our shitty week).
Movement?: I think so!! Since it's my first I'm not really sure what it should feel like.
Food cravings?: Nothing really.
Labor signs?: Definitely not.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: My students!!! I was out two days last week, I'm anxious to get back.
What I'm looking forward to: The doctors appointment on Wednesday.
Milestone: Being able to sleep comfortably :)

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