Saturday, October 1, 2011

21 weeks (!)

I have been SO busy the last few weeks!

We started taking our Bradley Classes, which are super awesome and informative. My cousin and her husband are teaching the classes so that makes them a little more fun. We also had our anatomy scan which went well. We actually had to go back again because baby was being stubborn and would cooperate. It was crazy seeing how big they were!!!

Also, I have a little confession to make....

We know what the gender of the baby is! Originally we had planned to wait until the birth to find out, but when I went to the hospital a few weeks ago, baby totally revealed their goods. And it was totally obvious what it was. We're having a baby boy! We just had it confirmed at our scan. It was a little disappointing to find out and I know I shouldn't have been looking at the screen, but honestly, at that time I really didn't care if I saw. I just wanted to know our baby was healthy. We can be surprised with the next baby :).

How far along?: 21 weeks (well, technically 20w6d, but whatever)
Total weight gain: I’m not sure, I’ll find out Thursday at my OB appointment. But my face looks really thin, it’s weird.
How big is baby?: according to my app, 8 inches long, 1 pound. The size of a spaghetti squash.
Stretch marks?: Yes :(. Not any new ones, but my old ones from a while back are looking a little darker.
Sleep?: Much better!!!! I keep waking up on my back though.
Best moment this week?: Seeing the profile of our baby’s face. And when my husband was talking to him and the baby kicked him.
Movement?: Not a lot, but when he does move, there is no mistaking what it is.
Food cravings?: Nope.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: My feet not hurting.
What I'm looking forward to: Fall Break at school! A whole week off to do nothing!
Milestone: The baby is more than half way baked!!! I can’t believe there is only 19ish weeks to go.

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