Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This week has been so tough so far. I didn't go to school on Monday because I didn't feel well, so you think my week would feel shorter because I only have a four day week... WRONG!!!

It has gone by soooooo slow. Ugh. At least we have a three day weekend!!

How far along?: 16 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain: I think 4 lbs? I try not to look at the scale, haha!
How big is baby?:
 according to my app, 5 in, 5 oz. About the size of a turnip
Stretch marks?: nope.

Sleep?: Eh. I wake up to pee a lot and I'm having a really hard time sleeping on my side. I was a stomach sleeper :(
Best moment this week?: One of my students told me she knew my baby was growing because my belly was getting bigger. Totally cute, but only because an eight year old told me that.
Movement?: I think so!! Since it's my first I'm not really sure what it should feel like.
Food cravings?: Nothing really.
Labor signs?: Definitely not.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
What I'm looking forward to: Labor Day weekend!!!!
Milestone: Hmmm I guess... being a little closer to half way through my pregnancy!!

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