Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Doubt Starts to Creep In...

Today was Samuel's 4 month visit. It went really well besides the shots (ew!), Vince didn't laugh when he cried this time. He weighed in at 14 lbs., 6 oz. and is 24.5 inches long! I can't believe how much he's grown.

I'm a little worried because he has only gained one ounce since my visit with the lactation consultant last week. I have been nursing him exclusively since Friday, except for Saturday when he stayed overnight with my parents, and I thought every thing was going well.

Our pediatrician said not to worry about the slow gain because Samuel seemed happy and healthy. He also mentioned that the difference in scales and the time of day he was weighed would have an impact on what we're seeing. He told me to watch for the same thing the LC said: diaper output and temperment. He's going to the bathroom just fine and isn't any more fussy than usual.

I'm just so worried. I know my body can make enough milk, when I was exclusively pumping I was producing an average of 35 ounces a day. He only ate 25 ounces a day and I had a huge freezer stash, over 350 ounces!

What if nursing doesn't work out? What if my milk supply tanks and I'm forced to supplement with formula? This is my worst fear :(.

I know I need to trust myself and my body. I need to trust my baby. I know he can do it! It's so amazing to see that even though he hadn't nursed in over 16 weeks, he knew exactly what he needed to do. Babies are so cool =].

The doctor also mentioned starting solids. Samuel isn't ready yet, he can't sit up unassisted, but I've already started researching. There is so much to it! So many different philosophies and opinions. I think we're leaning towards baby-led weaning. From what I've read, rice cereal has no nutritional value and I think that's what the pedi wants us to start with. Even if we don't go with BLW, we're skipping cereal.

We finally got our family pictures back that we took in February when Samuel was about three weeks old. They came out so good!

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