Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Such a Bad Blogger!!! Oh, and 27 weeks =]

I know, I know!!! I'm so bad at this blogging thing. It's a good thing the only person who reads this blog is my husband!!!

The last month and a half has been so crazy at school, it's not even funny. I feel like I have all this work piled on me, and my students and I are getting things done, but the amount of work isn't getting any smaller. Sigh. My students are so freaking awesome though, I don't know if I could handle all this stress with a different group of kiddos.

Our Bradley classes are almost over too! Next Monday is our last day =[. I really, really enjoyed going to class, we learned so much! I also feel like Vince is more involved in my pregnancy than he would have been had we not taken the classes. As much as I feel I've learned in class, I am still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that IN 13 WEEKS, OUR BABY WILL BE HERE.

I'm not going to lie, I am TERRIFIED of giving birth. Absolutely terrified. I need to work through this, especially if I want to have a natural, intervention free birth. That is my goal over the next few weeks.

How far along?: 27 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain: As of my last doctor's appointment on 10/31, I have gained a total of 11 pounds.
How big is baby?: according to my app, 16 inches long and weighs 2.5 pounds. About the size of a head of cauliflower.
Stretch marks?: Yes, in the shape of this weird circle around my belly button.
Best moment this week?: Reaching my third and final trimester, woot!!!
Movement?: Yes!!! He moves so much, especially during guided reading with my students. I'm hoping it's because he likes the different stories we read =]
Food cravings?: I actually feel hungry now. I've noticed I'm eating more, which is good. Vince was worried I wasn't eating enough.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In, I'm not sure for how much longer though!
What I miss: My feet not hurting. My back not hurting. Sleeping on my stomach. The taste of a margarita on the rocks with salt.
What I'm looking forward to: Thanksgiving Break at school! A whole week off to do nothing! The actual holiday itself, my sister and I are hosting dinner on our own this year, I am so excited! To be quite honest, we're not making a turkey, my mother-in-law is, but whatever, next year we'll do the ENTIRE dinner.
Milestone: It may seem silly, but so far throughout the pregnancy I've been referring to the baby as "Baby", but lately I've been calling him by his name. It makes everything seem so real!!!

I promise I will start blogging more. I really need to start documenting what is going on during this wonderful time in my life. My goal is two posts per week. I need to start posting pictures too!